As Summer Starts to Fade Away....

In the


Days of August,

As our days grow short too soon:

The uncertain dregs of summer

Wait to greet a Harvest moon.

The patterns of creation bespeak a mighty hand,

That set its signature upon

The vastness of each land.

Let’s pause before the seasons change,

While Nature’s all unfurled,

To wallow in the beauty

Of our lush and rural world.

God, You speak to us through Nature,

As its cycles waft and wane,

And though change is an endless theme,

Some constants do remain.

One constant we can revel in,

A truth that’s plain to see,

Is that part of all creation

Is our own humanity.

That’s why we strive to do good works,

With not a hesitation,

To bring the gift of brotherhood

To every man and nation.

We ask Your blessing on that work,

And everything we do,

That we may benefit mankind,

And be a joy to You.


The Road Home....
